Health care utilization for COVID-19 remains on critical status

April 30, 2021 – The city’s health care utilization for Coronavirus disease (COVID-29) has remained on critical risk status as of April 26, according to the Baguio City Health Services Office.

City Health Officer Dr. Rowena Galpo in her report to the Management Committee led by Mayor Benjamin Magalong said all of the five hospitals in the city reported more than 85 percent health care utilization rate (HCUR) as of said date.

SLU Hospital of the Sacred Heart and, Baguio Medical Center and Pines City Doctor’s Hospital reported 100 percent HCUR while Baguio General Hospital and Medical Center and Notre Dame de Chartres Hospital had 92.31 percent and 96 percent, respectively.

The health care facilities include ward beds, isolation beds, intensive care unit (ICU) beds, mechanical ventilators.

BGHMC has a total authorized bed capacity of 600 beds, the highest among the five medical establishments.  Notre has 125; SLU, 120, Pines City, 110 and BMC 24 for a grand total of 979 bed capacity.

For the city’s isolation facilities at the six Temporary Treatment and Monitoring Facilities, a total of 531 beds are currently in use out of the 779 beds for a HCUR of 68.16 percent or moderate risk level.

Only the Baguio Community Isolation Unit at the former Sto. Niño de Jesus Medical Center was at critical risk with 284 occupied beds out of 310 beds or 91.6 percent HCUR.

The Roxas Hall Isolation Facility Teachers’ Camp with 316 beds is at moderate risk with 66.45 percent or 210 occupied out of 316 beds.

The four others – Magsaysay Hall Quarantine Facility also at Teachers’ Camp with two out of ten authorized beds; Laurel Dorm, 28 occupied out of 101; Centrial Triage Quarantine Facility at Baguio Convention Center , one out of 12 and the newly reopened Ferionni Apts. with six beds occupied out of 30 – were on low risk level of HCUR.

All in all, the city has a total of 248 available isolation beds.

Mayor Benjamin Magalong earlier assured that the city is addressing the problem by adding more beds and transforming existing ones as step-down facilities to declog the hospitals

.The city is also working out the establishment of a modular TTMF to augment the bed capacity at the BGHMC. – Aileen P. Refuerzo
