21 May 2021 – A portion of Perfecto street from Lake drive junction, Burnham to junction of Harrison road is named Dr. Margarita J. Fernandez drive.

This is the content of the just-approved city ordinance, no. 58, series of 2021; with copies to be furnished to the City Assessors Office, City Planning and Development Office and other offices for proper guidance and plotting in the city’s official maps.      

Street signs shall be installed by the City Engineers’ Office as to the drive’s new name.

It was in 1945 when educator Dr. Margarita “Itang” Joven Fernandez with husband Godofredo founded vocational school Centro Academy which grew to be Centro Industrial School with the addition of a secondary school.

With the leadership of Fernandez, undergraduate programs in education, public and business administration, and engineering were added. Graduate degrees: masteral and doctoral programs; Doctor of medicine and criminology degree programs were later established.

The school metamorphosed from its former name to be Eastern Philippine College, then as Lyceum of Baguio, and with accreditation to a university status in 1977; the Baguio Central University.  

The academic establishment also grew in structure with buildings along Magsaysay Avenue and Bonifacio street.

Fernandez is BCU’s first university president, and the school continues to thrive, with the addition of other academic programs. Its graduates are also recognized as productive citizens of the community.  

As an educator and born leader, Fernandez achieved local and international awards, bringing honors to the city and being a champion of women’s welfare through socio-civic programs in the city and around the country.

With outstanding accomplishments Fernandez helped achieve the city’s vision in achieving excellence in the field of education, and helped uphold the title of the city as education center of the north.

The school has also produced topnotchers in board exams, upholding the university’s motto: “Education for all in the spirit and atmosphere of liberty, justice, truth and equity.” –juliegfianza
