PROCOR’S Chief of Operations promoted

PROCOR’s Acting Chief of the Regional Operations Management Division (ROMD), PCOL SIBLY P DAWIGUEY, JR., was promoted to the next higher rank as he officially took his oath and was donned with his new rank in a ceremony held at the Masigasig Grandstand in Camp Major Bado Dangwa, La Trinidad, Benguet on December 10, 2021.
As part of the ceremony, PLTCOL FRANCISCO B BULWAYAN, JR., the Acting Chief of the Regional Personnel Records and Management Division (RPRMD), read the promotion order of PCOL DAWIGUEY along with the 885 newly promoted PROCOR personnel.
Afterward, PROCOR Regional Director, PBGEN RONALD OLIVER LEE, presided over the oath-taking and facilitated the donning of the rank of PCOL DAWIGUEY.
In his message, PCOL DAWIGUEY expressed his gratitude to his family for their unending support. Moreover, he was also thankful that he was given the opportunity to serve and impart his knowledge & skills as he continue serving PROCOR and the Cordillera region.
Further, in the message of PBGEN LEE, he congratulated PCOL DAWIGUEY and his family for his well-deserved promotion and encouraged him to continue his dedicated service to PROCOR, the Home of the Most Disciplined Cops. (PROCOR-PIO)