Gradual reduction of leisure travels pushed

Gradual reduction of leisure travels pushed

A local official is calling for stricter border control by only allowing essential travels of vaccinated individuals to the Summer Capital in light of the impending Coronavirus disease 2019 (covid-19) Omicron variant threat.  

City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (CDRRMO) chief Antonette Anaban declared in her update report on the city’s contingency plan on Covid-19 Omicron variant during the regular management committee meeting with local officials, January 4, led by Mayor Benjamin Magalong (via zoom) at Baguio Convention Center.

There should also be a gradual reduction in the number of leisure travelers to the city that is currently under alert level 2, she said.     

Anaban said the city should also conduct random monitoring of establishments including those that are Safety Seal certified to check whether these are strictly complying with minimum public health standards (MPHS).   

Safety Seal certified establishments found to be non-compliant with MPHS could have their certifications revoked, she added.

Anaban said safety seal compliance of government offices and facilities should be mandated and that random monitoring of these be conducted especially those frequently visited by clients.

She is also advising the implementation of alternative work arrangements prioritizing those 60 years and older; with underlying health conditions, and pregnant.    

The contingency plan’s goals, Anaban said, are to suppress transmission of the virus; reduce exposure; protect the vulnerable; and reduce the mortality and morbidity from all causes and save lives.
Started in November of last year, the plan is also in line with the National Action Plan’s Prevent-Detect-Isolate-Treat-Reintegrate (PDITR) strategy, she added. – Gaby B. Keith
