CAMP MAJOR BADO DANGWA, La Trinidad, Benguet – (July 2, 2021) – Seven (7) drug suspects, who voluntarily surrendered themselves to the authorities, have undergone and successfully completed the Recovery and Wellness Program of the PNP as they graduate in a simple Completion Ceremony held at LGU-Bauko Multi-purpose Hall in Abatan, Bauko, Mt Province, in the afternoon of June 30, 2021.
The ceremony was graced by Mountain Province PPO Provincial Director, PCOL RUBEN B ANDISO, along with representatives of the different line agencies in the province to include Municipal Social Welfare and Development Office (MSWDO), PDEA-CAR, Faith-based groups, Office of Municipal Agriculture, MDRRMC, RHU, and other NGOs who served as resource speakers and shared their knowledge and expertise on drug rehabilitation.
As part of the ceremony, each of the drug surrenderees was awarded a Certificate of Completion and afterward, they also took an oath of commitment, pledging to commit themselves to a drug-free life and to stand up for what they know is right.
In his message, PCOL ANDISO challenged the graduates saying, “the government did its part, you have to do your part, forget the past and focus on the future.” He also encouraged the remaining drug surrenderees who did not yet undergo the community-based rehabilitation to enroll and take part in the program.
The Recovery and Wellness program, dubbed as “Abante Bauko Community Based Rehabilitation Program,” consisted of twelve (12) sessions that started from January 14, 2021 up to March 14, 2021. It aims for the complete rehabilitation and recovery of drug dependents so they could rejoin the community and rebuild their lives. (PROCOR-PIO)