2,222 BGHMC health workers  inoculated with COVID-19 vaccines  

By Carlito C. Dar

BAGUIO CITY, March 16 (PIA) – –  The Baguio General Hospital and Medical Center(BGHMC) , the primary referral health facility for Coronavirus Disease cases in the Cordillera,  gave overwhelming support to the national vaccination and deployment program with 2,222  of its health workers and hospital employees   volunteering to be vaccinated with the Sinovac and AstraZeneca vaccines. 

BGHMC Public Health Unit Head Dr. Leamor Fangonilo, in a Kapihan media forum ,  reported  that under the DOH – CAR led vaccination program, 1,613 of their health workers and hospital personnel already received their first dose of Sinovac vaccine, while 609  were inoculated with the Astra Zeneca vaccine.

The eligible population that voluntarily received their COVID – 19 vaccines comprises 79 percent of the 2,623 target beneficiaries of BGHMC based on the health facility’s  master list who registeed  or signified their intention to be vaccinated, Fangonilo said.

Vaccination activities will continue, as there are still 220 doses of Astrazeneca available for BGHMC personnel, she added.

In terms of Adverse Effect Following Immunization or AEFI, Fangonilo  said  two vacinees   experienced allergic reaction from Sinovac and AstrazZeneca vaccines and 300 others  felt mild or common reactions during vaccination,  but all are mild and all vaccinated population are already in good condition.

 Fangonilo  shared that  they have mphasized to all their personnel that being inoculated  eith  COVID-19 vaccine  does not mean that they can relax from the strict compliance to the minimum health standards and safety protocols needed to protect themselves,  and in ensuring safe and effective public health service delivery. (JDP/CCD-PIA CAR)