Vaccination target hits 50% earlier than expected

24 September 2021 – As of Sept. 24, Thursday; 142,894 or 50.85% of the city’s recorded eligible population of 281,000 are now fully vaccinated. Said individuals received their second dose of various vaccine brands: Sinovac, Astrazeneca, Moderna, Gamaleya, Pfizer or the one-dose J and J.

Mayor Benjamin Magalong expected the numbers to reach the fifty percent mark, as hardworking health workers jabbed vaccinees daily in at least six to seven vaccine sites. District and satellite sites were also utilized, while the mobile vaccine team immunized immobilized elderly or persons with disability (PWDs) in far-flung or hard-to-reach areas.  

With the steady arrival of vaccines; the mayor is hopeful that of the eligible population, 266,900 or ninety to ninety-five (90% to 95%) percent should be fully immunized by the first week of December.   

He made the pronouncement during the regular city hall Ugnayan last Wednesday.

Lately, vaccination numbers are reaching 5,000 to 9,000 on a daily basis; and just last week registered 32,000 vaccinees for a week, a far cry from the 400 and 700 during the first weeks of vaccination in March.

Vaccination sites include the Saint Louis University, University of Baguio, SM Parking, CDRRMO, Market area, Irisan National High School,  Divine Mercy, Irisan National High School, Baguio city national high school, University of the Cordilleras, City Health Services Office and other areas, in partnership with government agencies and private entities.

The city’s census-based population is 366,000, less 19% or 69,000 representing the population of those below 18 years old, who as of now are not yet eligible for vaccination.

Ninety-five percent (95%) of 297,000 would be 281,000 which is accepted as the city’s eligible population. – Julie G. Fianza with reports from the City Health Services Office (CHSO)
