Vaccination highs reached

24 September 2021 – Last Friday, Sept. 17 turned out to be a momentous day for vaccination as a record high of 9,335 citizens were jabbed for first and second doses in seven vaccination sites; University of Baguio (1,653), Saint Louis University (3,212), SM parking (1,540), Market (575), Divine Mercy (1,154), Baguio City National High School (509) and Irisan (692). 

The second highest number of vaccinated, 8,195 was on Sept. 22 after 2,611 of the much-awaited Sputnik (Gamaleya) vaccine was administered; together with 4,704 Sinovac, 738 Astrazeneca, 65 Pfizer and 77 Moderna vaccine brand doses in six sites.      

The highest number of vaccinated on a weekly basis, 32,870 was also recorded on Sept. 9 to 18, week 29 since the start of vaccination on Feb. 28, 2021. The next highest number of vaccinated individuals on a weekly basis was 24,156 on Sept. 9 to 15; and 21,297 on July 25 to 31.

This was after a low of only 410 and 2,883 vaccinees during the first and second week of vaccination in March.

The figures were reported by City Health Services Office head Dr. Rowena Galpo during the management committee meeting last Tuesday. Present during the meeting are Mayor Benjamin Magalong; City Administrator Bonifacio dela Pena; Department, Assistant Department Heads and management personnel.

As for data on senior citizens in the city, Dr. Galpo reported that 2,324 are still being searched out for vaccination. Said figure represents 7.3% of the 31,894 elderlies in the city.

The mayor however acknowledged that 84.3% or 26,893 senior citizens were fully vaccinated either with the two-dose vaccines brands, or the one-dose J and J vaccine. Partially vaccinated or first dosers are 8.4% or 2,677   currently waiting for the second dose either in district, satellite or megavaccine sites, or the mobile vaccine (Movacc) team which searches out immobile vaccinees.

Senior citizens are being motivated to have themselves vaccinated for their own and family’s safety. Incentives were also offered for Barangay and Health Emergency Response Teams (BHERTs) team and barangay officials to have the elderlies vaccinated against Covid-19. – Julie G. Fianza with reports from the CHSO
