PROCOR reviews approach in resolving boundary conflict

CAMP MAJOR BADO DANGWA, LA TRINIDAD, BENGUET – (May 19, 2021) – Aiming to continue the peace initiatives towards resolving the tribal conflict on boundary issue between Betwagan of Sadanga and Bugnay of Tinglayan, PBGEN RONALD OLIVER LEE hosted the 4th Executive Committee Meeting cum Focus Group discussion at the Masigasig Grandstand, Camp Major Bado Dangwa, La Trinidad, Benguet on May 18, 2021.
Following the former PROCOR Regional Director’s previous action on the boundary dispute, PBGEN LEE invited all the concerned agencies for an update on the developments and to review efforts on the peace initiatives.
Atty. Atanacio D. Addog of the National Commission on Indigenous People (NCIP) presented the development initiatives of the Inter-Agency fact-finding mission in a chronological order. He added that all the gathered evidence were validated by the NCIP and emphasized that the decision by the inter-agency body was purely evidence-based.
An open forum was facilitated by PCOL RAMIL L SACULLES, Chief Regional Staff, wherein issues and concerns regarding the peace initiatives were raised. It was participated by the representatives from the DENR; NCIP; National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA); Department of Agriculture-CAR; Bontoc & Kalinga, DILG; PIA-CAR; and the 503rd Brigade, 5ID, Philippine Army.
During the meeting, the inter-agency gave recommendations on the Regional Peace and Order Council (RPOC) Resolution No. 01 series of 2021, a resolution adopting RLECC-CAR Resolution No.05, s 2021 which recommends the adoption of the traditional boundary as Provincial Boundary by the Provincial Governments of the Mt. Province and Kalinga.
PBGEN LEE expressed his gratitude on the collective effort of the body, adding that peace and security is their common goal. He further acknowledged the recommendations to renew the body’s approach to peace efforts. (PROCOR – PIO)