Debt-Free New Year for Honest Tublay Farmer

Camp Major Bado Dangwa, La Trinidad, Benguet – A debt-free New Year for the honest farmer from Tublay who returned more than 133K lost cash last Christmas after RD PROCOR offered to cover their unpaid hospital bills.

Mang Mando, the hailed honest farmer from Brgy. Ba-ayan in Tublay, Benguet, was also a jeepney driver traversing the Baguio-Pico roads, but because of the restrictions during the ECQ, he found himself out of job.

To make ends meet, he helped out his wife in cultivating sayote vegetables to sell in the market. Adding to their burden, his wife was hospitalized and later underwent a gall bladder operation in June. Their health insurance, savings, and donations from different individuals fell short to cover their hospital bills, thus he signed a promissory note that he will pay their remaining bills any time soon. Hence, his wife was discharged.

Having heard of the farmer’s honesty despite their financial struggles, PBGEN R’WIN S PAGKALINAWAN offered Php 37,740.00 from his personal pocket to pay Manong Mando’s remaining hospital bills. Personnel of Tublay MPS also fetched Mang Mando at their house in Barangay Ba-ayan, Tublay, and accompanied him afternoon today (January 4, 2021) at the BeGH to settle said hospital bills.

Mr. Mando expressed his gratitude for the unexpected blessing as they have no means to come up with the amount to pay their hospital debt for now. He said he only did what was right and that financial difficulties are not a reason to keep what is not rightfully theirs. (PROCOR RPIO)