DAR-Abra Delivers 26 e-Titles to ARBs Homes Benefiting 2 BARBs Across Multiple Municipalities
The Department of Agrarian Reform – Abra, through Project Support the Parcelization of Lands for Individual Titling (SPLIT), delivered 26 Electronic Titles (e-Titles) covering a total area of 38.5496 hectares to the homes of 28 Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries (ARBs). The distribution of e-Titles occurred on November 3-4, 2023, in municipalities: Bucay, La Paz, Licuan-Baay, Luba, Manabo, Sallapadan, and Pilar.
The distribution of e-Titles marks a milestone in the DAR’s ongoing efforts under the Project SPLIT. With these e-Titles, ARBs now have the means to safeguard their land rights and participate more actively in their farming and agri-business. This e-title shows to the world that they are the owners of the land, proof of their land ownership, which, in turn, facilitates access to credit and other financial assistance.
“Thank you for bringing the title to our home,” said Romeo Berido, an ARB from South Balioag, Pilar, Abra, as he personally received his e-title. “This is important to us. Even though we already have the title, I won’t sell this land; I will leave it for my children.”
The e-Titles were handed over by Land Tenure Service Personnel Wilfreda A. Acena and Mylene A. Santamaria, along with Chief Agrarian Reform Program Officer of the PBD Division, Lunecia C. Segundo. CARPO Segundo introduced the DAR Support Services to the ARBs. This demonstrates DAR-Abra’s dedication to helping ARBs. Delivering e-Titles to beneficiaries’ homes shows the government’s commitment to improving the lives of agrarian reform beneficiaries. By: Jhay Armington and Mylene Santamaria