3rd placer in search for Best Urban, Peri-Urban Farm lauded

3rd placer in search for Best Urban, Peri-Urban Farm lauded

City officials recently congratulated and commended Margarita Joseph of Lucnab barangay for landing third nationwide during the Search for the Best Urban and Peri-Urban Farm 2023.

In a resolution, local legislators stated that Joseph’s achievement is an inspiration and motivation for other city residents to make urban gardening a habit and stress reliever while teaching children and grandchildren early about the importance of planting edible plants and of applying recycle, re-use and reduce which are important components of waste management.

In commemoration of Farmer’s and Fisherfolk’s Month this May, the national Urban and Peri-urban Agriculture Program conducted the Search for the Best Urban and Peri-urban Farm 2023.

The said program is in line with the mission of recognizing and celebrating the potentials of urban agriculture and its valuable role in addressing the challenges of food security and climate change.

Joseph, an outstanding farmer-leader, likewise and an active leader of the Urban Gardening Advocates of Baguio, Inc. (UGABI) joined the aforesaid celebration.

Further, Joseph and Lucnab barangay sent their entry “Fit and Fab Farm” which has been judged thoroughly in terms of production output, technological and technical prowess, and community involvement and collaboration. – Dexter A. See
