366 Rookie COPS successfully join the PROCOR Line

366 Rookie COPS successfully join the PROCOR Line

366 strong men and women of Class 2020-03 “Bagsik-Alab” officially completed their Public Safety Field Training Program Phase II-OJT/FTX and received their badges as full-fledged members of the Philippine National Police in a Closing Ceremony held at Camp Major Bado Dangwa, La Trinidad, Benguet on Friday, September 10, 2021.

PBGEN RONALD OLIVER LEE, Regional Director, graced the event and led the distribution of Certificate of Completion and Special Awards together with the member of the command group.

Highlights of the ceremony were the awarding of medals to the members of “Bagsik-Alab” who exemplified in academic and non-academic subjects. Medalya ng Kasanayan (PNP Efficiency Medal) was awarded to Patrolman Rex L. Catalino for garnering the highest rating of 96.16% while Patrolman Elorde W. Wagayen and Patrolman Fermor Samuel Dusag received Medalya ng Papuri (PNP Commendation Medal) for ranking 2nd and 3rd with the rating of 95.86% and 95.61% respectively.

Leadership Award was also awarded to the class Battalion Commander, Patrolman John Rico R. Santillan and their class President Patrolman Gomez N. Pok-uh.

The 366 newly appointed patrolmen and patrolwomen of PROCOR were entrusted with their PNP badges during the ceremonial pinning.

In his message, PBGEN LEE, congratulated the graduates including their Field Training Officers and the Regional Special Training Unit headed by PCOL MYLES ANGEL S PASCUAL, Chief RSTU-Cor. He challenged the graduates to be role models and disciplined police officers of the Cordillera.

“This is the end of your PSFTP “Bagsik-Alab” and at the same time the beginning of a more challenging role as public servants. Always remember the Intensified Cleanliness Policy of our Chief PNP”, he added. (PROCOR-PIO)