250 Rice Sacks donation to the Barangay

250 Rice Sacks donation to the Barangay

BAGUIO CITY  –  The Baguio Filipino-Chinese Community Executive Committee lead by Associations and Corporate benefactors. These are the Association for Philippine-China Understanding – Baguio Chapter led by Pres. Jolly Rillera, Baguio Filipino-Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Inc. led by Pres. Peter L. NG, Baguio Filipino-Cantonese Association  – CAR led by Pres. Peter L. NG, Filipino-Chinese Amity Club – Baguio Chapter led by Pres. Thomas Kho, MEGAPINES Realty and Development , Inc. led by Pres. Fernando S. Tiong,  Filipino-Chinese Shin Lian Association – Baguio City Branch led by Pres. Alex Sia, Phil-Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Inc. – La Union & Baguio Chapter led by Pres. Alex Sia and other Individual benefactors are Fernando S. Tiong, Jose Ong Tajan, Tony Ang Sr., James Huang, Engr. Kane Chanbonpin, Gonzalo Co, William Ang, Thomas Kho, Wilson Angheng Yong Pan and Ben Lim.

 They taking the opportunity to renew again their ties of friendship, making effort in strengthening the camaraderie and continue to be key partners of the City Government of Baguio towards progress.

BFCCCI President Peter L. Ng express his message, “It would have been this particular time of the year that we usually gear up in anticipation and excitement as we celebrate as a city and as a community, the Spring Festival or Chinese Lunar New Year, given the unique circumstances caused by this pandemic and the importance of preserving everyone’s health and safety, the Spring Festival Execom, taking its lead from our city officials, has similarly cancelled this year’s Spring Festival celebration. It is our prayer that the vaccination plans will roll out as soon as possible and revive our livelihood businesses.

“With God’s help, we will all recover as one and return to normal lives in the near future. “Even so, the Baguio Filipino-Chinese Community is grateful for another year and we are ready to face and welcome the Year of the Ox. As a response, the Filipino-Chinese organizations in the city and particular individuals are donating a total of 250 rice sacks to the City Government,”

“The distribution is made possible through the assistance of the City Social Welfare and Development office headed by Madam Betty Fangasan. These rice sacks will be allocated to the different barangays determined and evaluated by the OSWADO that have more indigents families and need assistance. And so, let me greet everyone Kung Hei Fat Choi! I wish all of you a safe and joyful Chinese New Year,”  said Ng

During the Monday Flag ceremony program with the city officials photo opportunity headed by mayor Benjamin Magalong, Congressman Mark Go, vice-Mayor Faustino Olowan and city councilors held at City Hall ground last Februeary 1, 2021.    FNS Mario Oclaman

Mario Oclaman