UP Baguio opens Ph.D. in Indigenous Studies program

The Doctor of Philosophy in Indigenous Studies (PhD-IS) program at the University of the Philippines Baguio (UPB) is now open for interested applicants for intake on the first semester of incoming academic year 2020-2021. The program administered by the UPB College of Social Sciences (CSS) accepts applications until June 30, 2021, after which interviews of applicants will be conducted July 1-30, 2021. Results will be released by August 15, 2021, in time for the enrollment period on September 6-10, 2021.

Constituting the core faculty of the PhD-IS program are doctorate degree holders from the faculty of the UPB-CSS including notable anthropologists, sociologists, historians, political scientists, and economists. Joining the faculty enlisted to teach in the program are from the UPB College of Arts and Communication and the UPB College of Science, who engage in IS specializing in the areas of Cultural Studies, Conservation and Restoration Ecology, Language and Literature, Mathematics Education, Media and Communication, and Philippine Studies, complementing the breadth of scholarship provided by the program.

The PhD-IS program of study comprising total 49 units includes a 12-unit credit dissertation. Among the aims of the program is to enable its students to synthesize the core issues, problems, concerns and visions of Indigenous Peoples (IP), the nature, elements and parameters as well as the theoretical, methodological, interdisciplinary approaches and ethical considerations to Indigenous Studies (IS). In addition, it also provides the opportunity for its students to produce knowledge that will benefit IP and the rest of humanity. Moreover, the program goals include enabling its students to utilize knowledge through policy advocacy, development  programs and projects, education and information campaigns or other knowledge products and forms of actions that will positively impact IP and Indigenous Communities.

For details of the admission process, admission requirements, submission, and tuition, and other fees, please visit web.upb.edu.ph or facebook.com/UPBISP/. Queries may be emailed to the UPB Graduate Program Office at gpo.upbaguio@up.edu.ph. (UP Baguio Public Affairs/J.Lazaga)