Southbound terminal proponent presents plan to city officials

BAGUIO CITY – (11 February 2021) – A multi-tier southbound terminal along Marcos Highway to be done in two phases, as proposed by Megawide construction was scrutinized by city officials during the executive-legislative meeting last Monday.

According to City Administrator Bonifacio de la Pena, the project shall be submitted to the P4 committee for further consideration.

Megawide businesses as represented by Miles Young during the meeting, touts to be an engineering procurement and construction company, with project execution and innovation in airports, transportation, residences and social infrastructure such as warehouses and schools in several venues.

The company’s objectives include putting the Philippines in the first world, with innovative and engineering methods using renewable energy, and utilizing Japanese and German technologies.

For Baguio, Megawide is focused on the Baguio City Internodal Terminal, a three-hectare property for development into a spacious transportation station with commercial areas, circulation spaces, waiting areas and provincial buses’ loading and unloading areas. Entrance and exits would be strategically located to conform to the terrain of the location, Young said

As to the structure, loading and unloading for provincial buses and transportation would be at the lower level, the commercial area, waiting and queing areas at a different level with separate entrances for private vehicles. Parking spaces are also available.  

The structure which houses mentioned facilities would showcase the local character and culture of Baguio, Young further emphasized.

Accordingly, the intermodal station would reduce congestion and parking shortage, and lift the strain caused by vehicle usage of the city roads.

The terminal shall have two phases; 2021-2023 and 2029 to 2030; for final completion.

This ensures employment generation through support services and additional jobs, reduced road congestion and city revenue which increases over time, the projects proponents aver.

More working hours would be conserved as to a computed 15-minute decreased travel time per 200,000 projected users of the terminal, it was known from the project proponents.

Lease expenses, terminal cost, commercial assets through the two phases over 2021-2030 were also presented.       

The final plans would include data to determine final terminal size and number of bays for transportation. – Julie G. Fianza
