RD Pagkalinawan presided the simultaneous turn-over of command in PROCOR

RD Pagkalinawan presided the simultaneous turn-over of command in PROCOR

CAMP MAJOR BADO DANGWA, La Trinidad, Benguet – On February 15, 2021, PROCOR Regional Director PBGEN R’WIN S PAGKALINAWAN presided the Turn-Over of Command Ceremony for Regional Mobile Force Batallion 15 (RMFB15), Regional Operations and Management Division (ROMD), and Regional Personnel and Records Management Division (RPRMD) held at the Masigasig Grandstand in Camp Major Bado Dangwa, La Trinidad, Benguet.

For the RMFB15, outgoing Force Commander PCOL MARIO L MAYAMES, JR relinquished his command to PCOL MALY C CULA.

PCOL CULA is now the new Force Commander of RMFB15. Previously, he was the Chief of ROMD.

As the outgoing Chief of ROMD, PCOL CULA turned over his command to PLTCOL SIBLY P DAWIGUEY, JR, the new Officer-in-Charge of ROMD.

For the RPRMD, outgoing Chief PCOL PETER M TAGTAG, JR, turned over the reign to PLTCOL FRANCISCO B BULWAYAN, JR.

PLTCOL BULWAYAN, JR is now the newly installed Officer-in-Charge of RPRMD. Previously, he was assigned as the Officer-in-Charge of Regional Community Affairs and Development Division.

Further, the Regional Director also awarded Medalya ng Kasanayan (PNP Efficiency Medal) to PCOL MAYAMES, JR and PCOL CULA for their high sense of professionalism and competence that contributed immensely in the accomplishment of the organization’s mission and vision.

Medalya ng Kasanayan was awarded to PCOL MAYAMES, JR for his leadership as the Force Commander of RMFB15 from May 4, 2020 to February 15, 2021. Also, another Medalya ng Kasanayan was awarded to PCOL CULA for his service as the Chief of ROMD from September 9, 2019 to February 15, 2021.

In his message, PBGEN PAGKALINAWAN stressed the importance of institutionalization in the PNP service. He also advised the outgoing and incoming officers that as they transition to new positions, they should learn to adapt to changes, as well as appreciate those changes. (PROCOR RPIO)