DRDA Chua is now a Star Rank General

DRDA Chua is now a Star Rank General

PROCOR’s Deputy Regional Director for Administration is now a star rank general following his promotion administered by the Chief PNP, PGEN DIONARDO B CARLOS in the Oath Taking and Donning of Ranks ceremony held at Camp BGen Rafael T Crame, Quezon City on March 15, 2022

PBGEN JOHN C CHUA is a member of the Philippine National Police Academy “Tagapagpatupad” Class of 1992 and is currently serving as the Deputy Regional Director for Administration of Police Regional Office Cordillera.

In a statement, PBGEN RONALD OLIVER LEE, Regional Director, extended his congratulations to PBGEN CHUA.

“We should all be proud for the long-awaited one-star rank of [our] DRDA, especially to all LAKANs. His promotion serves as an inspiration to all PCOs of PROCOR”, PBGEN LEE added.

Also, in celebration of PBGEN CHUA’s promotion, PBGEN LEE hosted a ceremony at the Masigasig Grandstand in Camp Major Bado Dangwa, La Trinidad, Benguet.

During his Arrival Honors ceremony, PBGEN CHUA was received by PCOL BENJAMIN D SEMBRANO, the Deputy Regional Director for Operations.

Afterward, PBGEN CHUA had his Talk to the Men and Women of PROCOR.

In his message, PBGEN CHUA acknowledged and expressed his deepest gratitude to all PROCOR personnel for their unending support and trust.

“I might not be effective as your former DRDO and now your DRDA without your active support and cooperation”, PBGEN CHUA said.

”I take this promotion both as a great challenge and as an advancement. It is a blessing that I have to keep upright with dignity and responsibility, that I have to be taken seriously with professionalism”, PBGEN CHUA added. (PROCOR-PIO)