CPNP spearheaded the blessing of various PROCOR buildings

Philippine National Police (PNP) Chief, Police General GUILLERMO LORENZO T ELEAZAR graced the blessing of Police Regional Office Cordillera’s main gate and newly constructed Banna Warriors’ Lounge during his visit to Camp Major Bado Dangwa, La Trinidad, Benguet on August 16, 2021.
The PROCOR main gate was constructed in line with the Facility Development Program of the PNP to secure the perimeter of the camp.
Meanwhile, the Banna Warriors’ Lounge was constructed as a staging area to receive guests and visitors of the Regional Director.
Both projects were constructed during the administration of PGEN ELEAZAR as Chief, PNP.
The event was also attended by PROCOR personnel headed by PBGEN RONALD OLIVER LEE, Regional Director, wherein PLTCOL REV. JONATHAN CHY, PROCOR Regional Pastoral Officer, rendered a prayer for the blessings of the said buildings. (PROCOR-PIO)