BIG TIME Marijuana eradication yields P116.389M worth of marijuana plants

Dubbed as “Coplan First Giant” operatives of PROCOR and PDEG conducted a big-time marijuana eradication which resulted in the discovery and destruction of Marijuana plants and marijuana oil with overall Standard Drug Price (SDP) amounting to Php 116,389,000.00 in ten plantation sites at Mt. Chumanchill, Brgy. Loccong, Tinglayan, Kalinga on September 15-17, 2021.
According to reports submitted to PBGEN RONALD OLIVER LEE, Regional Director, the discovery and destruction of the marijuana plants were conducted by operating units of PNP DEG SOU COR together with RMFB15, Kalinga PPO, RIU 14, RSOG PROCOR and PDEA CAR.
Operatives were able to eradicate 44,350 pieces of Fully Grown Marijuana Plants (FGMJP) with an estimated SDP of Php 88,490,000.00 from a land area of 44,350 sqm.
Meanwhile, two sites served as a production area where operatives were able to discover more or less 230 kilograms of dried marijuana plants with an estimated SDP of Php 27,600,000.00 and fourteen (14) bottles of marijuana oil (100ml/bottle) with an estimated SDP of Php 308,000.00.
Documentation and photographs were done in the area of operation. Afterward, all the prohibited plants and oil were burned onsite while an intensive investigation is being conducted to identify the possible cultivators. (PROCOR-PIO)