Beware of cash on delivery scams

By Melinda T. Quinones

QUEZON CITY, Mar. 7 (PIA) — The Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT) warns the public of cash on delivery (COD) scams of unscrupulous individuals posing as delivery personnel of Private Express and Messengerial Delivery Service (PEMEDES) or courier service operators.

DICT advised the public of the following:

  • Do not accept packages that you or anybody from your household did not purchase;
  • Verify transaction and contact the addressee to ensure that he or she expects a package;
  • If the package was ordered, immediately check the accuracy of its contents;
  • If possible, record the package opening on video. Should the package contains wrong items, the video recording can be used as evidence; and
  • Ask for the courier’s identification card or get the delivery personnel’s details to make sure they are legitimate.

DICT advised the public to report suspicious delivery transactions or similar instances to (MTQ/PIA-IDPD with information from DICT)